Hair Loss In Younger People

By Published On: February 10th, 2022
young adult hair loss

Many of us view hair loss as something that affects older people. That the older we get, the greater our chances of losing hair. That’s not an incorrect assumption as nearly everyone is affected by some degree of hair loss with age.


Hair loss also occurs regardless of gender. While we typically think of hair loss in terms of male pattern baldness, both men and women experience hair thinning with age as our body just doesn’t naturally grow hair at the same rate as we get older.


Is Premature Hair Loss Reversible?


Premature hair loss may be reversible. Some of the causes of premature hair loss are not permanent and will grow back if you adjust your diet, manage your stress levels, or adjust your medication. In many cases that may not be enough.


Unfortunately, hair loss is not exclusively the result of age. Millions of Americans under the age of 30 are affected by hair loss and – while less common – even teenage hair thinning. So, what causes hair loss in people under 30?


What Causes Hair Loss At A Young Age?

hair loss in young men


There are many causes of hair loss in people under the age of 30. One such cause is alopecia. There are different kinds of alopecia which range in cause from stress to an autoimmune disease that causes hair to fall out.


Some versions of alopecia result in hair loss in small patches across the scalp… about the size of a quarter. In those instances, the hair sometimes grows back over time. Other kinds of alopecia result in a sudden thinning of hair and even body hair loss.


Another autoimmune condition that can cause hair loss in people of any age is lupus. This condition causes your own immune system to attack your body. Lupus can lead to your immune system attacking your healthy hair follicles and tissues in your scalp – causing damage leading to hair loss. This usually happens gradually as lupus progresses.


Malnutrition is a common cause for hair loss as well that does not discriminate by age. For younger people, this could happen as a result of going off to college or living on your own for the first time and not properly watching your diet. Without the necessary vitamins, protein, and minerals; the health of your hair (as well as your overall health) will deteriorate and result in loss.


Other reasons for malnutrition that can affect younger people (as well as teenage hair thinning) include following fad diets that may omit important nutrients or suffering from an eating disorder – such as bulimia or anorexia. If you are suffering from an eating disorder, you have more important things to worry about at the moment than your hair loss. That said… hair loss related to an eating disorder will not stop until the eating disorder-related malnutrition is treated.


Other causes for premature hair loss at a young age can include traction alopecia from pulling at your hair or wearing your hair in a tight bun. Medical conditions such as a thyroid disorder, excessive stress, or medications (where hair loss is a potential side effect) can also cause premature hair loss and teenage hair thinning.


Austin Hair Restoration Clinic Are the Hair Loss Experts


If you’re experiencing premature hair loss and are worried about your hair growing back, Austin Hair Clinic is here to help. We offer a variety of non-surgical options as well as utilizing the ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System for minimally invasive surgical hair restoration that will have a minimal impact on your schedule. The procedure produces exceptional results which will allow you to get back to day-to-day life in just a few days. Contact us today and let the experts at Austin Hair Restoration Clinic restore your hair and your confidence.


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